"Baader Meinhof Complex was excellent. I haven't seen many of these but some of the others look interesting."
"Amazing that Grease is on here, seemed pretty innocuous to me."
"Nice festive list. There is a good one in the Poseidon Adventure as well."
"Thirst was a really interesting vampire movie. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0762073/"
"Brazil was directed by Terry Gilliam. I agree that it is a great movie."
"Interesting list, but I definitely believe Alan Moore when he says he doesn't care for films based on his work."
"I haven't seen many of these but nominating Stanley Kubrick as worst director is just wrong!"
"You missed Maximum Overdrive, though according to the critics it was worth missing! :)"
"Ciara Janson has only appeared on audio spin-offs, not the TV show. You missed K9 as well! :)"
"Ha ha! this was funny. you should write a book entitled 'The Philosophy of Arnold Scwarzenegger.'"