"Others are Ed Gein, about the true events which inspired Psycho and Silence of the Lambs. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0230169/ and Memories of Murder, a Korean movie also based on fact. http://www.imd"

"A few more: U571 The Sorrow and the Pity Charlotte Gray."

"Another one is Hiroshima: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hiroshima_(film) Also , Hiroshima mon amour https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hiroshima_mon_amour"

"Darkside Lightside by the band Ash from the album 1977. Based on Star Wars. The album's title was partially inspired by the year the film was released. The album opens with the sound of a TIE Figh"

"Interesting selection. Is the Met Life one in Chicago?"

"I like a few of these, but they are mostly amazingly bad!"

"I haven't seen that movie, possibly a good thing!"

"Manic Miner had some toilets. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/07/07/antique_code_show_manic_miner_game/ I seem to remember they were in Red Faction as well but couldn't find a picture."

"Certainly a lot of terrible stuff here. Good Luck Chuck seems to have been based on a photo of John Lennon and Yoko Ono, oddly enough. I mostly prefer older movie posters where they used artwork, th"

"I couldn't agree more about Madonna! The commentary on other films was also interesting."

"Good list but Castle In The Sky definitely deserves to be included."

"Roger Catlin can't have seen the Star Wars holiday special. I'm not surprised that 666 Park Avenue was cancelled - it was very cheesy."

"Not a bad list on the whole but I don't know what the xenomorph from Alien is here for."

"I'm surprised that Kill Bill wasn't included."

"Interesting to see how close some of the computer models are to the actors, though Daniel Craig looks weird. I like Emily Rose as Elena Fisher in the Uncharted series as well."

"Good list, I have enjoyed a lot of these games."

"I have only read a couple of these. What do you like about them in particular?"